
Lifestyle Diseases - Cancer

Lifestyle Diseases - Cancer


Cancer kills thousands of people in India every year. There is still some controversy as far as the causes of this killer disease are concerned. As per some theories genetic conditions are the main reason as to why people suffer from such a disease. However, studies have shown that unhealthy eating habits and smoking are supposed to be the main reasons for cancer. At least they are known to increase the chances of one suffering from this disease. There are various kinds of cancer but the commonest ones are lung, skin, and breast cancer. Lung cancer happens because of too much smoking.

Cancer is a condition where some of the cells of the body begin to divide uncontrollably and spread into surrounding parts of the body, destroying healthy neighboring tissues. Normally, body cells divide to form new cells to replace old or damaged cells as a natural process. In cancer, new cells begin to form rapidly even when they are not needed.

Other factors that can contribute include consumption of alcohol, poor diet, lack of physical activity and obesity. The risk of cancer increases significantly with age.