How to crush your food cravings effortlessly


How to crush your food cravings effortlessly

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Do you often find yourself yearning for ice cream, chocolate, or a bag of potato chips? You’re not alone. Food cravings affect more than 90 percent of adults, often leading to unhealthy snacking on items high in sugar, salt, or fat. Giving in to these cravings can leave you feeling defeated and questioning your willpower. It’s essential to recognize that these moments don’t define your ability to make healthy choices. Falling into this pattern can create a cycle of yo-yo dieting, where you see initial results, slip back into old habits, and start another diet, only to repeat the process. Let’s break free from this cycle and regain control over our cravings and our health.

What is a craving?

Cravings are powerful urges to consume specific foods or food types, often accompanied by intensity and a sense of urgency to indulge.

During a craving, a person may feel that they cannot feel satisfied until they eat the food they desire.

Rest assured, experiencing cravings is a widespread phenomenon, and research indicates that females tend to encounter food cravings more frequently than their male counterparts. Interestingly, the types of cravings also vary between genders. Men often yearn for savory delights such as meats, eggs, and spicy, salty foods. In contrast, women frequently crave the sweetness found in treats like chocolate or ice cream, as well as carbohydrate-rich bread and baked products.

It is important to note that cravings are not synonymous with addiction Unlike addiction, cravings don’t include dependence, loss of control, and discomfort when you stop.

What causes a craving?

Cravings can be due to many reasons. People might experience food cravings seemingly out of nowhere, or they may be related to seeing, smelling, or hearing about a specific food. For instance, seeing an advertisement for chocolate might trigger a craving for it. A craving episode activates specific brain regions responsible for memory, pleasure or reward. Or they can also be because the body needs a specific nutrient or hormonal fluctuations across menstrual cycles.

An imbalance of hormones such as serotonin, a mood regulation hormone, and leptin, a food and energy expenditure regulating hormone, can also cause a craving.

Take a moment to cultivate mindfulness around your cravings, understanding both their origins and potential solutions. Dedicate a small portion of your time to work on the following aspects:

What is the frequency of these cravings?

 To begin addressing cravings, it’s crucial to evaluate their frequency—are they a regular occurrence or occasional? If they are occasional, indulging once in a while might be acceptable.

However, if you find yourself struggling with these cravings regularly and don’t know what to do. it’s crucial to delve deeper.

Reflect on the triggers behind these cravings and identify any patterns. Track back to pinpoint the root cause, whether it’s boredom, fatigue, stress, habit, or mere accessibility. Understanding the underlying triggers is key to finding effective solutions.

Is it hunger (body’s need) or appetite (minds craving)?

Hunger is the body’s natural signal indicating the need for nourishment. Initial signs may include a subtle rumbling sensation. However, if you postpone eating for too long, you might experience symptoms like fatigue, light headedness, weakness, shakes, or irritability.

On the other hand, appetite is the desire to eat, often driven by cravings for specific foods. It’s crucial to remind yourself of the distinction between appetite and hunger.

Is it hunger induced craving?

One common trigger for cravings is reaching a state of extreme hunger or feeling starved. It is best to avoid becoming excessively hungry for prolonged periods of time, instead maintain a  regular meal interval. Eat meals that are nutrient-dense and filling,  have an optimum balance or protein (beans, soy, lentils, chicken fish, egg, lean meat), fibre (whole grains, vegetables ) and carbohydrates prevent an increase in hunger a few hours after eating.

Is it appetite induced craving?

In contrast to hunger, appetite induced craving arise even after recent meals, and the satisfaction derived from fulfilling them is short-lived. These cravings tend to intensify, especially when attempting to restrict calorie intake, often triggered by stressful situations.

Try the strategy of Wait and distract.  Because cravings are transient, meaning that they pass after some time, wait for at least 15 minutes. Do something enjoyable, non-food activity like  go for a walk, talk to your friend, distract your attention.

Key Craving stoppers:

Incorporate Physical Activity: Make regular physical movement a part of your routine to effectively manage cravings. Choose an activity that suits your preferences, such as walking, dancing, playing, biking, or swimming.


Maintain a Wholesome Diet: Avoid high-sugar foods to prevent fluctuations in blood glucose levels that can trigger cravings. Opt for satisfying alternatives that do minimal harm. For instance, if you crave something crunchy, choose popcorn instead of a bag of potato chips. If you desire something sweet, savory, or creamy, consider non-fat Greek yogurt flavored with fresh fruit.


Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can also induce cravings. If you experience a craving, drink two glasses of water and wait 15 minutes; often, the craving may subside. If it persists, distract yourself with favorite activities and choose healthier snack alternatives.


Stress Reduction: Effectively manage stress levels, as stress is a common contributor to cravings. Stay mindful of your eating habits, especially during stressful, low, or anxious moments.



Plan meals ahead of time: Consider planning your meals for the day or the upcoming week to streamline you’re eating routine. Knowing in advance what you’ll be consuming eliminates spontaneity and uncertainty.

By removing the need to decide on the spot, you’ll find yourself less tempted and more likely to avoid cravings. Planning not only supports healthier food choices but also simplifies your daily decision-making process.

Sleep well: Your appetite is largely affected by hormones that fluctuate throughout the day. Sleep deprivation disrupts the fluctuations, and may lead to poor appetite regulation and strong cravings. Getting a 7-8 hours of good quality sleep may be one of the most powerful ways to prevent cravings.

"Looking good and feeling good go hand in hand. If you have a healthy lifestyle, your diet and nutrition are set you’re going to feel good."

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